Al Amal Association Center for Health Awareness in Hass

Al Amal Association Center for Health Awareness ...

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Al Amal Association Center for Health Awareness in Hass

The center consists of teams of community health workers, who go daily to the targeted areas
as planned for them and conduct various campaigns aimed to raise health and psychological
awareness in society.
Working teams consist of four teams:
- Team of Health Awareness and Early Detection of Cancer.
- Psychological Support Team.
- Team for those with Special Needs.
- Nutrition Team.
At the start of the center, the teams made statistics of:
- Children under 5 years to facilitate the task of nutrition team.
- Children with special needs and determine the type of disability they have.
- Women over 20 years to conduct awareness and early detection campaigns.
- Families with cancer patients.

Teams Tasks:
1. Health Awareness and Early Detection Team:
A plan has been developed for the team that includes conducting awareness campaigns in the
targeted areas, where they coordinate with the local authorities to arrange the campaigns and
facilitate the work of the team.
The campaign is divided into:
- Health awareness workshops related to pathogens, especially breast, uterine and colon cancer.
- Distribute awareness and education manuals for women and how to examine the breast at
- Manual examination of women who wish to check their safety through the competent nurse in
the team.
- Accompany the women who have the signs of the disease to the early detection center to be
examined by mammogram.
- Refer the patients to the main center of the association in Turkey to be referred to the
appropriate hospital and start treatment.
2. Psychological support team:
The team provides protection and psychological support sessions in and outside Association's
center. The sessions include psychosocial awareness and rehabilitation, and basic tips for
building personality of women of all ages. 
Also the team emphasis on supporting the children, protecting them and helping them to
develop their talents and abilities through many meaningful activities.
3. Team of those of Special Needs:
According to the statistics, there were about 274 handicapped children in the targeted areas.
After that, the team has started its work and the work has been divided into the following
- Initial visit to the families who have children with special needs.
- Assess the child's situation and identify the possibilities and abilities he has.
- Refer the child to Hass center where he will be provided with number of sessions of
rehabilitation and psychological support.
- The sessions include various exercises and activities to raise the child's mental and physical
abilities according to the type of disability as well as to enable him to integrate into society.
4. Nutrition Team:
A total of 750 cases of malnutrition have been identified using a special feed scale that identifies
the malnutrition in children aged from a month to 5 years and they have been referred to the

specialized medical centers with which Al-Amal cooperates. After that the team has started
awareness campaigns that targeted many villages of Idlib countryside.
Campaigns included:
- Awareness sessions about the healthy food for the child.
- Awareness sessions about the proper nutrition for pregnant and nursing mothers.
- Focus on the importance of breastfeeding, and how to sterilize and use the artificial milk.

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